In the May 14th edition of the Daily American Republic, the poll question was asked: Do you think Mayor Angela Pearson should have had a policeman escort former city manager Doug Bagby from city hall after he was fired? The poll question also stated that the results would be released in the following Wednesday's edition of the paper. did check and the poll question was removed from their web site the day before the results were to be announced. However, that next Wednesday, May 21, there were no results reported. The following Wednesday, May 28, still no results. It's now been 16 days since the question was asked and 10 days since the poll question was removed from their
- May 30,
Poplar Bluff, MO — For weeks both Topix and Facebook have had a frenzy of posts regarding how citizens "should go down to City Hall and support Doug Bagby at the next meeting!" But at last night's City Council meeting only Dan Coffman spoke during the citizen input. For the most part Mr. Coffman parroted the DAR's talking points and challenged the council regarding their recent actions. The council respectfully answered all of the inquiries and the meeting moved on without incident. It has been rumored for over a month that those claiming to have been marginalized or disenfranchised by the actions of the current council are attempting a recall of Mayor Pearson and Johnny Brannum. I assume that the group attempting the recall has
May 22,Update: There are two ways to evaluate the sale of an asset. 1) look at all the costs to create the asset, all the profits used to to maintain the asset, and the cost to sell the asset. 2) look at what you have to pay off when you sell the asset. The first method, far more difficult to calculate, is a more accurate look of what benefit (or detriment) the asset provided you over the years. But the second method provides you with a snapshot view of whether your sale provided cashflow to your bottom line. In the comments after my post, you will see that Matt Funke does not approve of the second method in this case because one of the
May 15,After six weeks of assuring city employees that City Cable wasn't selling as previously blogged in January, City Manager Bagby finally announced in Sunday's paper they've been working on selling City Cable since November. On the agenda for Monday night's City Council is both a workshop and voting session item to sell City Cable. But Bagby gives no explanation as to why the sale of this asset is being fast-tracked on Monday night, why the details of the sale are being kept from the public, or why the city lied to their employees for six weeks. I asked Fred Goldstein from InterIsle Consulting about the value of a cable subscriber in today’s market and he responded with, "Last year, TDS
Mar 16,I was in the courthouse today for a hearing and after court was adjourned, I walked up to City Attorney Wally Duncan and DAR Reporter David Silverberg. I said, "Hey, Wally, can you tell me when the City will be closing on their sale of City Cable?" Duncan stood still and silent for 20 seconds and then responded, "Nothing I can tell you." The DAR Reporter stated he would look into it as another story. But then, Duncan said "How did you find out about it?"
Feb 07,