There are oh so many treasures of nature right in our back yard and I experienced one of those very special places with my two young boys just the other day. A warm invitation from a good friend initiated the adventure on this crisp fall morning to the Mingo National Wildlife Refuge, located just a mile north of Puxico, Missouri. With picnic packed and four very excited boys, we arrived at the Visitor Center and checked out wonderful exhibits the educational center had on display. Our favorite was a “preserved” (or less elegantly described by a seven year old as “stuffed”) pair of 10 and 12-point White-tailed deer, their horns locked in a deadly tangle seconds before they both fell
- Nov 07,
As a republican looking back at the last election and this election, I've wondered how much really changed in this country. I remember four years ago, the bitterness and outrage that was waged against me by family and friends because I "voted red." I woke up on Wednesday morning and felt no anger, no bitterness, but I did wonder how President-elect Obama had won. In looking at an Electoral College Vote study by a professor at the University of Michigan, Mark Newman, it's interesting to see the changes that took place between this week's election and the one from four years ago.
Nov 06,In 2001, conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh found himself having difficulty hearing callers on his radio show. Doctors eventually diagnosed Limbaugh with an auto-immune ear disease, which would leave him virtually deaf. A Cochlear implant was a great option for Limbaugh and the procedure was performed in December 2001 and after outpatient auditory therapy he returned back to work in January of 2002. Now seven years after the surgery, Limbaugh booms across the U.S. airwaves without missing a beat.
Nov 05,One great idea can take on a life of its own, which is exactly what has happened to former President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s idea of bringing ordinary citizens from all over the globe together to communicate face to face, in an effort to solve differences and discover ways to live peacefully together on the planet. The People to People Ambassador Program was launched in 1956, setting in motion a vehicle wherein his mission of global citizenship did flourish.
Nov 04,This is a communication from MSG Jeffrey Pennington, currently stationed at Patrol Base Kaufman, Samarra, Iraq: Since I last made a post we have experienced a lull in enemy activity, at least in our area. However we have had many of the soldiers in my unit begin to take their mid-tour leave which leaves everyone else stretched thin to pick up the slack. I myself have had to do the job of 2 people for 16-18 hour days 7 days a week for quite some time. I will never place blame on anyone who has the opportunity to go home on R&R for a couple weeks as it is well-deserved for the soldiers here and I'm certain their families appreciate
Oct 21,