Spring has finally arrived officially and in reality. I stayed outside for a while just as it was getting dark last night and listened to the sounds of spring’s arrival. The frogs were croaking and chirping and some of the late moving birds were singing and even a few bats were out trying to find insects. Also the hummers are back. Fishing for a while will be a big blah as the lakes are high with more rainfall predicted so they will remain above where the Corps of Engineers desire for this time of year. The rivers, Black River for an example is more than half-bank full at Poplar Bluff and fishing on that stream will be bad for quite
- Apr 08,
There are two things that absolutely get my heart pumping more than anything else in the outdoors, the whitetail rut and the crappie spawn. The Lord clearly knew that most stand-up, logical outdoorsmen would prefer crappie and deer over all other fish and game, so he put these two glorious seasons at opposite times of the year, so that we mighty outdoorsmen might also be able to enjoy a happy marriage! Now is the time my friends, the moon is full, we've had plenty of warm days, and stringers of male crappie are already starting to appear on my Facebook feed. Here are some tips and tactics that will help you be more successful during the spawn. The crappie spawn attracts
Apr 07,On this farm I see strange things often. The strangest romance I have ever seen proves that size doesn’t matter. We currently have two different breeds of swine on our farm. We have Red Wattle Hogs, which are rather large and unwieldy, and Juliana Pigs, which are a breed of the mini pig currently popular for keeping as pets. Our Juliana Boar wants nothing to do with his sows. He is madly in love with one of the Red wattle Sows. He routinely escapes his pen to join her in the field. You would imagine she’d have nothing to do with him, but she seems to return his affection. So much that I’ve seen her lie down and raise a
Apr 02,During the recent winter weather which gave just about everyone the bad case of “Cabin Fever” there was plenty of time to reflect on things of the past and look forward to the coming of spring and outdoor activities. Spring has finally arrived and with it some of the hazards of being outdoors and spending time with the normal things people do to get ready for an active summer. Ticks are out. I did a lot of thinking of things that have happened to me during past winters and they included a lot of activity that was not figured as crazy when they happened. However, as I look back, some of the things were not too bright and some even
Apr 01,How about a little spring weather my friends! Bright sunshine and warm afternoons has turned the crappie on across the lower Midwest, and according to my various social media outlets, a lot of anglers are getting in on the action. There’s a big tournament coming up on Kentucky Lake that is going to land right on some of the best crappie fishing of the year. The Henry County Carl Perkins Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse has planned the Second Annual Carl Perkins Center-Tosh Farm Annual Crappie tournament for April 25, 2015 at Paris Landing on Kentucky Lake Entry fee will be $55 per person. 100% of the application fee goes to fight child abuse and aid in the
Mar 31,