• Poplar Bluff Junior and Senior High teachers participated in the first Technology Camp during collaboration day on Friday, Jan. 16, featuring a series of break-out sessions led by R-I staff emphasizing content, the web, apps, engaging students and classroom management. Published author Julie Smith, an adjunct professor of Webster University and Southern Illinois University, delivered the keynote speech about media literacy. R-I Instructional Technology Facilitators Valerie Ivy and Candace Warren organized the Tech Camp, with assistance from Chief Technology Officer Aaron Badgley. Help Desk teacher Julie Carda and assistant Tony Kirkley, along with their dedicated students at PBHS, were also instrumental in making the event a success.

    Jan 23,
  • Is it spring yet? Now that we have the deer in the freezer, the only thing that’s on my mind is crappie fishing, and maybe a bit of snow goose blasting! First off, I want to say thanks to everyone who called or emailed congratulating us on FINALLY getting my son’s first deer. It’s comforting to know that some of y’all were going through the struggle with me! If you really want to see a kid (and a dad and papa) extremely happy and proud, go to www.joshgowanoutdoors.com and watch the video. You will understand exactly why I drug my son all over the place, spending time and money to try to give him his opportunity to take his first

    Jan 22,
  • With the closing of the Duck season in the Southern Zone there is not too much game left to pursue.  Rabbit and squirrel seasons continue until February 14.  That leaves the light goose season which runs until April 30.  Almost all those geese have left the area before that date. One season that is not too popular is that of shedd hunting.  I have seen it listed with a single d but usually I use two d's to distinguish it from woodshed activity.  Most youngsters don’t know what I am talking about but while I was growing up, you wanted to avoid what took place in the woodshed! Searching for deer antlers that have been shed by bucks in late

    Jan 21,
  • There’s no way I can fit all of this in one article, but after 24 hunts in Kentucky and Missouri without getting a shot, we’d conceded defeat, until I got a call from a buddy in Mississippi. At around 4:30, I saw what looked like a deer way out in the green field. After looking through my binoculars I saw that it was a doe, and got Jameson's gun up for him. I generally wouldn't let him take a shot that far, but we’d had a tough season without him ever firing a shot, and he was confident that he was on her. The first squeeze of the trigger resulted in a “click”, as I hadn't turned the safety off,

    Jan 14,
  • When it looks like my outdoor writing career has come to an end, the end so far just turns out to be a bump in the road.  The SEMO Times decided recently to eliminate my outdoor column, but that wasn't as hard as being fired from the DAR after writing "The Ridge Runner" column for over 30 years. After two months, Brian Becker of SEMO.net called and asked me to continue to write for his internet publication.  I gladly accepted as I believe I have a lot of information and stories of interest for all his many readers in Southeast Missouri, Northern Arkansas, and anywhere else with the internet. With the waterfowl season winding down in Missouri, there won’t be much hunting

    Jan 13,

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