• DEXTER - Musicians by nature are a different lot. As destructive as they are creative, musicians are artists that seek to touch the intangible; to invent beauty from thin air. Since Pythagoras discovered octaves, they have been aided by instruments. And those who gather instruments to supply musicians are necessary allies. Combining business skills with musical ambition is a talent of which few people are blessed. Instrument retailers in the brick and mortar world are becoming scarce thanks to Internet sales and a less than robust economy. So when one such retailer reaches a decade in business, it's reason to celebrate. And that's exactly what Dexter Music Center's Steve Agee and his five-star crew intend to do Nov. 22. That

    Nov 12,
  • After a 10-year, 6.4 billion kilometer journey (3.9 billion miles), the European lander made contact and began securing itself to the 4 kilometer in diameter (4374 yards) comet. Photos are being successfully transmitted but have not be released yet. Read the full and updated report at on the BBC News site.

    Nov 12,
  • A video named "I Fought For You" has been floating around cyberspace recently and is well worth focusing on today. This video is brought to you by First Baptist of Poplar Bluff. http://vimeo.com/111423946

    Nov 11,

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