DONIPHAN - Kate Hasting Band sings about the small town life because they’ve lived the small town life. Though Hasting is from New Carlisle, Ohio, her drummer, Cameron Smith, is from Doniphan, having attended high school there. His start in music came when he played with the Doniphan High School Jazz Band. He and members of the Kate Hasting Band plan to spend time with his folks, Kent and Tammy Smith of Fairdealing. Smith played in the concert band at Freed-Hardeman University, and then moved to New York City for a magazine internship. While there, Cameron worked on several magazines, one of them Blender music magazine. While in Nashville, he heard that the up and coming country group, the Kate
- Oct 09,
Our kids are off and running in this 2014-15 school year. Regardless of what grade your child is in, it’s never too early to start exploring the possibilities available to them post high school and how to navigate that road to college. Getting them to that day where they wave goodbye to you from their over-stuffed car as it’s pulling out of your driveway takes forethought and a considerable amount of focused planning. For expert advice on this subject I contacted Sandie Price, a parent and educator with a master’s in early childhood education and a master’s in school counseling. Price worked as a High School Guidance Counselor in the Poplar Bluff R-1 School District from 1984 to 2013.
Oct 09,POPLAR BLUFF - There are many ways Americans pay respects to their fallen and wounded veterans: From parades which celebrate their selfless service to speeches which draw attention to their universal heroism. Many veterans, although injured, aren't willing to sit by and watch parades nor attend rallies in their honor. Despite the odds against them, many vets rise above their disabilities to continue serving. One who typifies that spirit is Farmington resident and former U.S. Navy SEAL Jared Ogden. Watching "a friend get blown up" during a combat operation in Afghanistan might have been a turning point for the 34-year-old vet. "I spent a lot of time with him at Walter Reed," the bearded, soft spoken Ogden told SEMO TIMES Monday.
Oct 09,POPLAR BLUFF - The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is holding their annual fundraising Fall Motorcycle Rally and Poker Run on Saturday, October 11. Bill Ray, representative for FCA, says the funds raised through the event help support the annual Fields of Faith program. Fields of Faith recently held their rally in Poplar Bluff at Fred Morrow Stadium on September 24. The event was attended by over 3,000 area youth. Ray explained the concept for Fields of Faith began back in 2002 when founder, Jeff Martin, felt led to begin a program that would help teens with the many problems they face in our modern age. The idea sprang from the story of King Josiah, recorded in the Bible as
Oct 09,It only makes sense that with the popularity of the Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) shows, there should be one set in paradise. That is exactly what will happen Saturday, October 11 at the Black River Coliseum when Ozark Family Resource Agency (OFRA) presents its Seventh Annual Murder Mystery fundraising dinner. This year the murder will take place in what would seem to be paradise, Margaritaville. Bobby Baugh, Marketing Director for OFRA, said that this year’s event will be very interactive, with guests who buy tickets to the event arriving at Margaritaville, a seemingly typical Caribbean resort. “There will be the typical kind of resort things, like sand, games, souvenir shops, massages, tattoos, and a tiki bar,” explained Baugh. Baugh will
Oct 09,