The following is the opinion of Brian Becker and does not necessarily reflect the views of or Bluff Technologies, Inc. Dear Mr. Schrieber,In the past two months, you and your Daily American Republic newspaper have, seemingly maliciously, slandered me and my family name on three separate occasions.In the June 14, 2013, edition of the DAR the headline read "JUDGE: BECKER MUST PAY". Other statements within that article, like those below, are at the very least slanderous and reputation-damaging: All of these statements are fabricated and false. They are damaging to me, my reputation and my family. I, Brian Becker, owe the City of Poplar Bluff $0, nada, nothing. And no judgment has been made against me. In the August 7,
- Aug 21,
ANGELA PEARSON IS A SERIOUS G.O.B. STOPPER!!!! Over the weekend and into Monday, Councilwoman Angela Pearson hit the City Manager and several local businessmen hard, with requests for investigations going to the Highway Patrol, FBI, and the Security and Exchange Commission. KFVS ran a report at the 6pm and 10pm news on Monday night as well. But one of the things that caught my eye in all of this is that Pearson reported that Poplar Bluff's City Clerk did not freely give the requested information to her. QUOTES FROM "ANGELA PEARSON, PB CITY COUNCIL" FACEBOOK POST When I requested this information, I met some of the most ridiculous animosity from the City Clerk and the City Manager. They wanted to
Aug 20,First of all, contrary to what the DAR reported, there was no warrant and "Becker's Assets" are not being seized. In my opinion, the paper's slanderous headline of "BECKER's ASSETS" is seriously appalling. Friends and family have been contacting us to make sure we are okay. I really cannot believe that the DAR would make such a terrible statement directed at me personally. In June, the newspaper also made this about me, personally, and not the company. Isn't this covered in Journalism 101? As for the photo on the front page of the newspaper, I have it on good authority that the City Attorney has NEVER before asked to go out with the Sheriff's department to deliver papers until today.
Aug 07,I can’t count the times I’ve driven by her garden and practically run off the road trying to take as much of it in as is possible at 50 mph. On this beautiful morning, as I had an errand out that way, there was no schedule keeping me from dropping by to take a closer look at this gorgeous spectacle: Vicki Armes’ garden. I felt a little nervous just popping in on the Armes family who were all very hard at work in the various garden plots surrounding the house. But apparently this is a common occurrence at the Armes' house as strangers often drop by to inquire about Vicki's masterful handiwork
Jul 30,I wanted to wait for the Transparent Local Government group to upload the video of the City Council meeting so you could enjoy the dialog yourself. The discussion starts at the 1 hour and 11 minute mark on the video. Thanks to the three citizens (Chester Pumphrey, Greg West and Jack Rushin) for their challenge of the new bill. For those that want the cliffnotes version here you go: The bill was going to limit how much time the citizens could speak without being on the agenda from 10 minutes down to 3 minutes. Mr. Pumphrey informed the council that the current ordinance gave the mayor the ability to limit the speakers to 10 minutes which is the de
Jul 19,