For several months I've heard from contractors and City employees about the apartments being constructed outside the city limits on Hwy W. Most I've spoken to have indicated that the buildings do not meet Poplar Bluff building codes. The owners of the property, Gill Family Properties from Dexter, have built three townhouses and have plans for a total of 12 buildings in the subdivision. The townhouses are very nice looking and quality rental properties are always a plus for a growing community. Outside the city limits, no licenses are required for builders, plumbers, electricians, etc., and no inspections are made of the property. So buildings can be built much cheaper using non-certified workers to pull electrical cable, install outlets and electrical
- May 30, has compiled this general timeline from Sunshine documents received, DAR reports and personal conversations: Monday, April 15 - City Clerk Kearbey improperly, and possibly illegally, conducted the Mayoral election. Read earlier post. Monday, April 16 - Brannum tells City Manager Bagby he intends to make a motion at the May 6 meeting to fire Kearbey for her improper actions during the mayoral election. Monday, April 22 - Attorney Danny Moore mails a letter addressed to Brannum saying his client, a City employee, is "very concerned about his actions and demeanor toward her." Tuesday, April 23 @ 8:50 am - Don Schrieber, Editor in Chief of the Daily American Republic, goes to City Hall and makes a Sunshine Request for "Any files relating
May 15,I spoke with Jim Chrisman today and the Depot Stairs Restoration Project still needs $20,000 to get the matching grant funds of over $250,000 to restore the staircase at the old depot. If there is any way you can help them out, please consider donating using their paypal link. This would be such a wonderful enhancement to our downtown area so please get involved and help them with this funding goal. Check out this promotional video for the project:!
May 03,Why Do I Think That Brannum is Being Framed? ...because the sexual harasser “victim” who the DAR reported as an unnamed employee of the the one and only City Clerk Pam Kearbey. And, according to the DAR, the witnesses to the alleged events were none other than City Manager Doug Bagby and City Attorney Wally Duncan. There are only three members of the City's staff who are hired and fired by the City Council. You guessed it: the City's Clerk, Manager & Attorney. And the three of them are the ones who brought forth and/or corroborated the sexual harassment charges against Brannum. The DAR reported that one week before Kearbey filed her police report, Brannum stated “that he would
May 02,After reading the "Bach Should Resign! Electric Bill’s “Fuel Factor” Goes Up Without Mandatory Calculation," a friend asked me to do my best at giving an honest analysis of what the Fuel Factor should be. There are many variables, some of which I do not have control of, for instance, I do not have how much the City used for fuel to power the generators. In actuality, it should be cheaper to generate our own power than purchasing it, so one could speculate that the fuel charges would bring down the Fuel Factor rather than raise it. I've given two different ways of calculating the Fuel Factor: With and Without the Capacity Charges. The way power is purchased is by
May 01,