• There's still time to sign up for the Kids Programming Class in June. Your child, age 8 through 11, will learn how to program your computer with the language called Scratch, developed by MIT. Kids can program games like this one developed and designed by Jack Becker:

    May 24,
  • Surely you've heard the latest Sprint commercial about the "Now Network." It is a yellow-color schemed advertisement that discusses statistics related to what is happening right now on their network. Sure, we all have wondered whether our information providers are monitoring our messages, but this advertisement blatantly says "WE ARE READING YOUR TEXT MESSAGES!!!"

    May 19,
  • There's a new piece of malware (defined in Wikipedia as a portmanteau from the words malicious and software, is software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system without the owner's informed consent.) out there that poses as a friendly site, but in reality, it will attack your PC. It creates an entry in the registry and prevents you from updating your antivirus programs. It also prevents you from making changes in the registry itself, and can even redirect you to more bad sites on the internet. Semo.net's repair team can fix this for you, and make sure your PC leaves protected and updated with the latest security fixes.

    May 13,
    - by semoadmin
  • Late this year, Microsoft will release its next version of operating system labeled "Windows 7." To get ready for the move, I've been testing Windows 7.0 for over a month now. I'm biased about the Windows product because I started with Windows 1.0 in 1986.

    May 12,

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