This past week, Microsoft announced that David Porter will head up their Retail Chain. Porter has spent the past two years with Dreamworks and 25 years before that with WalMart. Unfortunately, here in Southeast Missouri, Microsoft will probably not be on a corner near us any time soon (or ever for that matter). But just like Apple users who trek to St Louis every few months for an IV injection of all things Apple, I'm sure a Microsoft store in St Louis would drain a few local gas tanks. Confession: Even though my wife's iPod is our only apple product, I cannot walk past an Apple store. The Apple logo in a like a giant bug light—drawing the geek in
- Feb 14,
I've never done this before, but today I called my senators and representative of the U.S. Congress. I've been reading about this "stimulus bill" and I don't like it. Two weeks ago I saw the mayor of Virginia Beach on the television and he was trying to get part of the stimulus package for his town. He said that for $3.4 million he could employ 11 new employees to repaint their water treatment plant. WHAT? $308,000 is the going rate for a painter these days? Give me $3.4 million dollars and I can employ 50 new people and bring broadband internet to all the places in Southeast Missouri that don't have it.
Feb 12,"Selling Short is a natural part of Capitalism." When I heard this statement come through my TV speakers, I shouted back at the bobbing head on the screen. I couldn't disagree more with that statement.
Feb 04,IBM creates worlds fastest Super Computer IBM sets the new standard for supercomputers with Sequoia claiming it is faster than the Top 500 supercomputers combined! Wireless Electricity are not going to believe this. But in less than five years, you can build a home that has NO power outlets. Hydra! - Business-Class Internet Service Proven by the recent storms...Hydra! proven to stay online in adverse weather! Catapulting Toast
Feb 04,In order to help the Black River Coliseum shelter area residents who are still without power, the Chamber of Commerce banquet which was scheduled for this weekend has been postponed. The new date will be February 27th.
Jan 29,