Choose the paper mail you want. Stop the junk mail you don’t. Your personal information is being collected, bought, and sold by thousands of businesses every day. Without your consent. ProQuo helps you to remove your name and personal information from thousands of marketing lists, data brokers and other organizations that send you unsolicited mail. Avoid identity theft by keeping unsolicited personalized offers out of your mailbox and by getting your name off unwanted mailing lists. Over 100 million trees get used for junk mail every year in the U.S. You can help by stopping your unwanted mail. You decide which businesses use your personal information, giving you the power to select the offers that come to your home. Link
- Apr 22,
This "how-to" takes a set of ordinary headphone, add a couple of $5 ear buds and VIOLA! You have a set of 5.1 Surround Sound Headphones for under $20.
Nov 30,Salt water can indeed burn when exposed to a certain kind of radio wave, a university chemist has confirmed. Rustum Roy of Pennsylvania State University verified earlier this month that the radio waves break down the water into its constituent components, allowing the resulting freed hydrogen and oxygen to catch fire. John Kanzius of Sanibel, Florida, first happened upon the phenomenon earlier this year when running experiments with a radio frequency generator he designed to help zap cancer cells. When he trained the radio waves on a test tube of salt water, it produced an unexpected spark, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Curious, Kanzius and colleagues decided to ignite the water with a match. The water lit and kept burning
Sep 23,Amazon Mechanical Turk is a marketplace for work that requires human intelligence. The Mechanical Turk web service enables companies to programmatically access this marketplace and a diverse, on-demand workforce. Developers can leverage this service to build human intelligence directly into their applications. While computing technology continues to improve, there are still many things that human beings can do much more effectively than computers, such as identifying objects in a photo or video, performing data de-duplication, transcribing audio recordings or researching data details. Traditionally, tasks like this have been accomplished by hiring a large temporary workforce (which is time consuming, expensive and difficult to scale) or have gone undone. Mechanical Turk aims to make accessing human intelligence simple, scalable, and cost-effective.
Sep 17,Technology magazines ignore women and women's magazines ignore technology. is a lifestyle magazine that embraces technology as a regular and essential part of women's lives. Popgadget covers topics traditionally seen in women's magazines, such as health and fitness, beauty and fashion, home, family, and entertainment, but with a unique focus on the products and people that bring exciting innovations to those aspects of womens' lives.
Aug 31,