IBM Corp. plans to announce today that it has built the world's fastest supercomputer at one of its facilities in Rochester, Minn., wresting the title from a system in Japan. Click Here for Yahoo Article Click Here for USA Today Article
- Sep 29,
"Forbes is running a report saying that Intel's CTO claims that the WWW is 'running up on some architectural limitations' that will eventually cause its downfall. He said the Internet will begin to collapse as millions of new computer users from developing nations begin to sign on. Forbes Article
Sep 13,British scientists are developing a robot that will generate its own power by eating flies. The idea is to produce electricity by catching flies and digesting them in special fuel cells that will break down sugar in the insects' skeletons and release electrons that will drive an electric current. I know I have a few flies I would like to donate to research. :) Check out the rest of the story here
Sep 09,New Page 1 Subscribers to the XM satellite radio service typically pay $9.99 per month for access to over 100 digital music stations. Most customers of the service utilize units installed in their vehicle or small portable radio devices. Several months ago XM began offering a device to install in your computer that would allow you to listen to the service. Along comes a third party software provider which allowed these PCR devices to download and store the songs. The discontinuation of this device comes amid the battle of copyright infringement spearheaded by the recording industry. The PCR that originally sold for around $50 is now fetching a premium on ebay with some bids going as high as $350. XM
Sep 03,The Joint Committee of the Higher Education and Entertainment Communities submitted a report to Congress yesterday showing that Peer-to-Peer filesharing traffic on campus networks has dropped over the last year; in some cases by as much as 50%. Likely factors contributing to the decline include a growing number of universities making deals with "legitimate" online music services such as the now industry-friendly Napster and Apple's iTunes Music Store, as well as over 150 cases of students being sued for copyright infringement.
Aug 25,