No. You can continue to use your email address. We will provide it free for at least six months. If we do have to charge for email after the first six months we will give you plenty of warning before the $1.95 charge would apply. If you have problems with your email address, don't hesitate to call us for help at 686.9114.
- May 05,
Dear Cable Internet Customer, [If you do not get your Internet service over the "City Cable" network in Poplar Bluff you do not have to worry about this announcement.] The City now requires you to call in to the City Cable office (686-8020) or you will NOT be transitioned to their service and will be disconnected on May 9. In cooperation with the Council's decision, we provided City Cable with the list of customers to be transitioned over to their system on or before May 9. However, in contradiction to what Bill Bach, David Presley and Michael Pry agreed to almost a month ago, City Cable has decided to change the rules on us once again.
May 04,Dear Customers and Friends, Sadly, we found out today that our injunction was denied and we have to hand over all of our cable internet customers to MyCityCable. As we find out more, we will post it to the web site. As I've stated before, we will work to make this an easy transition for you. Over the next weeks you will receive several emails about this transition.
May 02,Today we filed our final brief in support of our application for the preliminary injunction to stay on the cable internet system until a trial. You can read it here. We've been told that the opposition will file their brief by tomorrow; then it is all in the judge's hands. Thank you all for your support during this unpleasant process.
Apr 25,First, I know that many have been praying for our staff and company and we appreciate and are humbled by the outpouring. The hearing on Friday went very well. We told our story and supported it with facts. We were also able to shed light on many of the city's allegations which made our case even stronger.
Apr 25,