I've always wondered about the expense of our electric bill and how much it appears to be higher this year than the year before. I went back to the MU website and found that their rates page hasn't changed since May 2006. However, we all know that our bills keep going up. The reason? The "Fuel Factor" charge which is on our bill. The "Fuel Factor" is an additional charge per kilowatt hour on top of your normal rate. Right now, the Fuel Factor is 2 cents. So when the City claims their rates are around 6 cents per kilowatt hour, that doesn't include the Fuel Factor so it's actually 8 cents per kilowatt hour. I've looked back on past
- Apr 26,
Legal Battle Has Been Waged Update: Here is the petition filed: CSE v City of PB. They will add the citizen's name to the petition in the coming days. They also hope to have the injunction hearing next week. At Monday night's (4/15) meeting, Utilities Manager Bill Bach stood before City Council and said the bids for the EPA-mandated Catalyst/Silencers for the City's generators had been evaluated and requested the Council disregard the low bid. Bach went on to explain that the second lowest bid was the one he recommended the city accept. Bach said that the low bidder, CSE Enterprises - a Missouri-based company from Rolla, had designed the access panel 10 foot in the air and could be a
Apr 19,At tonight's City Council meeting the City Clerk, Pam Kearbey, announced that nominations were open for Mayor. Johnny Brannum and Susan McVey started speaking at the same time and Kearbey recognized McVey. She nominated current Mayor, Ed Degaris. Kearbey asked for a second and Lloyd Matthews seconded the nomination. Kearbey then gave the floor back to Brannum who stated that the city had just made history by seating Angela Pearson and Betty Abshear which made three women serving on the City Council at the same time. Brannum went on to state that the city should make history again, tonight, by honoring the 4-term City Council member, Robert Smith, and elect him to be the first African-American Mayor of our 140+
Apr 15,Over the past 2 months, I've made a dozen Sunshine requests for public records from the City. In late March I requested "Appraisal Information on properties" and gave the address for the Flipper property, the Whelan, Tinsley and Car Wash properties. Three business days later I paid the clerk a bit over $20 dollars and received appraisals for three properties and a denial for the Whelan appraisal stating it was pending litigation and therefore not available under Sunshine laws. The city didn't provide me with actual appraisals, but, instead provided me with "Appraisal Reviews". Two names showed up on the reviews, Richard Eggers and Connie Roe. I called Smith and Co on two separate occasions to verify their employment. What
Apr 14,Okay, this is just weird. With the city in the middle of an eminent domain lawsuit and with more property still remaining to be purchased along Oak Grove Road... The City's Appraisers - Smith & Co Appraisers - are shutting their departmental doors and closing up operation. Every appraisal of property I've seen on the Oak Grove Road project has been performed by Smith & Co (well, except for the "flipper's" property which was appraised by a local individual). I just called Smith & Co and asked for their appraisal department. I believe I spoke to Connie Roe because she identified herself as Connie and as a certified appraiser. She said she could not perform any more local appraisals because
Apr 10,