• I watched the Late Show with David Letterman last month on the night that McCain canceled to "go back to Washington to fix the economic mess." Letterman crucified the candidate and his decision that night and it was hilarious. During the days and weeks following that decision, Letterman kept the story alive. McCain was definitely on Dave's S-List...so to say I was curious how McCain was going to handle his "makeup date" with David Letterman last night is to put it lightly.

    Oct 17,
  • Last week, semo.net offered to pay local writers to submit articles for the semo.net web site. Since that time, semo.net has negotiated with five different individuals to create content for their local portal which boasts well over 10,000 visitors per day. In and effort to further increase content, semo.net is providing an outlet for local High School Journalism Departments to post articles. Articles can cover school issues, student profiles, sports events and editorials. The by line of the article will include both the school as well as the individual writer(s). Please encourage your local High School Journalism Department's educator to contact semo.net about this offer at articles@semo.net.

    Oct 13,
  • After seeing the trailer for Bill Maher’s new movie, Religulous, my initial reaction was similar to the way I feel when someone messes with my kids: protective; defensive. First, I didn’t want to see the movie at all, but then I decided to go and just see where Mr. Maher was heading with this. I know that Maher is a comedian, an equal opportunity mocker, so I assumed that my spiritual convictions were going to be irreverently trampled underfoot.

    Oct 13,
  • As a life-time shopper at the Valley Plaza Shopping Center, I have a number of fond memories. As a child, I remember the the toy section of Newberry's being used as a way to point my parents on the right track for upcoming birthdays and the few times my dad broke-down and said "yes" to a soda at the Newberry's diner. Sitting at that chrome bar...wow, what a memory! As a young teenager, I would beg for a nickel to play a the Four Kings pinball game in Newberry's while my parents shopped; and a few years later a quarter to play Joust or Tron in the mall hallway near the restrooms.

    Oct 07,
  • Saturday Night Live's opening scene Saturday night was a VP Debate spoof. It's funny and I laughed from beginning to end. I should probably disclose, though I can't imagine it is a secret, that I'm a Christian who has very conservative Republican views and, of course, view life through that lens. I woke up this [Saturday] morning and instantly pulled up the SNL web site to watch Tina Fey and crew poke fun at Sarah Palin and, ultimately, me. Why? Because it is funny! Because it's a spoof. The first spoof two weeks ago with Hilary Clinton was hilarious. The Couric-Interview Spoof was equally funny. Honestly, if it is funny (and not crude), then I can definitely laugh and enjoy it. I

    Oct 05,

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