Microsoft has released a security advisory concerning the latest exploit discovery in Internet Explorer. This exploit can be used by malicious software to execute code on any computer system running Internet Explorer, as well as cause Internet Explorer to unexpectedly close. You can read more about the exploit at Symantec or Microsoft. Microsoft is releasing a patch for this issue on Oct. 10th.
- Sep 22,
A computer worms that spreads via instant messaging is being used to build an extensive "botnet" of remote-controlled PCs, a US security firm has warned. Security experts at US company FaceTime identified the worm as "W32.pipeline" and warned that it spreads via AOL's instant messenger program.
Sep 20,UPDATED: DSL availablity expanded in Doniphan, Piedmont and other “Windstream-Communications-areas”!
Update 10/04/06: Coverage has been expanded in and around the Briar area. (160W) As we have said before if you have tried in the past and didn't qualify try again. Areas have been expanded in and around the Fairdealing area and also in the area near and around 160Hwy & 67Hwy Jct. If you live on Y Hwy. A Hwy (West of Doniphan) or 21 S these areas have been opened within the last few days. If you are interested in DSL access, even if you've previously been unable to qualify due to your location, please fill out the form at: and see if your area can now qualify for DSL. Alternatively, you can call us at the number
Sep 07,With the introduction of the new website we have also improved the busy signal reporting. The new form, found under Helpdesk - Dialup Report, can be used to inform of any problems you are encountering. By entering the dialup number you use, you can easily find information as to the current and maximum load on the dialup equipment and report issues you are experiencing. Should the problem reported be something a technical support representative is able to help you with they will attempt to contact you to resolve the trouble. If the trouble seems to be indicative of a system failure, a ticket will be created and directed to the appropriate individual to investigate and correct.
Aug 23,Update: We received all our equipment today except our antenna. It was overnighted from Reno NV, but someone left it on the loading dock and it didn't make the trip. We have been promised that it will be here in the morning at 10:00am. For those affected we are very sorry for this and will have you back on line as soon as the antenna comes in. Here is a picture of some of the damage that was done. This is our Wireless Specialiest, Kurt Richardson, holding what used to be an 11' omni antenna. 07/24/06 As of about 9:00am this morning the T1 that services the tower was brought back on line. We were able to get most customers
Jul 24,