• WASHINGTON - Taxpayers who have fallen behind on their paperwork � way, way behind � have a $2 billion incentive to get caught up. The IRS owes more than $2 billion to more than 1.7 million people who never filed tax returns for 2002. Half could get checks worth more than $570. Yahoo Story IRS Story

    Feb 21,
    - by semoadmin
  • As I was waiting patiently for all of my W-2's to arrive so I could finish my taxes for 2006, I received a new form from the Missouri Department of Revenue called a 1099-G. Basically this is a form for you to claim your state tax refund from the previous year as income this year. For more information and to better understand the 1099-G you can go to the following web page : Missouri Department of Revenue

    Feb 06,
    - by semoadmin
  • With Zexer's Addressbook you'll have access to your contacts from any internet-connected computer in the world. Whether you are at a cafe, in a library, at work or at home Zexer.com lets users log in, input data, and update information... ALL ONLINE!

    Jan 31,
    - by semoadmin
  • "In the nine years since Jobs returned to Apple, his unique modus operandi has sparked broad changes in the world of music, movies and technology. Now, Jobs is stepping into the Magic Kingdom. On Jan. 24, Walt Disney agreed to pay US$7.4 billion in stock to acquire Pixar Animation Studios, where Jobs is chairman, CEO and 50.6 percent owner." Read more here. "A court hearing that could pave the way for a shutdown of the BlackBerry e-mail system has been set for Feb. 24. Meanwhile, BlackBerry customers continue ramping up contingency plans in case of a shutdown, much to the delight of BlackBerry's competitors. Research In Motion, creator of the BlackBerry, has a lock on 70 percent to 80 percent

    Jan 29,
    - by semoadmin

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