• Dear Friends, Associates, and Citizens of Poplar Bluff, I've tried every possible way to convince our city leaders and managers to come to a reasonable solution regarding Open Access over the past ten months. We have advised the City that we believe they are breaking a number of Missouri laws. Back in December, we began paying for Open Access using the City's dispute process, the city still has not scheduled our dispute hearing. On several occasions we have been warned that the City will accelerate our termination from the network and Monday's council meeting Agenda is set to discuss a "revision" to the Open Access Policy. I can only assume that is their intent. Every attempt of ours has failed.

    Mar 18,
    - by semoadmin
  • As most of you are finding out, inside your Municipal Utilities / City Cable bill in January is a flyer about new speeds and rates for Cable Internet. As people have noted, this flyer didn't just go to MyCityCable customers and it doesn't say "MyCityCable" on it anywhere. By the way our phone is ringing, this has caused mass confusion. We are confused as well, as to why City Cable would tell semo.net customers that your rate and speed are changing. But it's not fair that our customers get yanked around like this. We will honor the flyer that has been mailed with your bill. You should expect the speed change to take place in the next 48 hours. If

    Jan 05,
  • FCC Chief Genachowski gave a speech today stating that he will push for a vote on "Preserving Internet Freedom & Openness" with the five Commissioners on December 21st. It's a given that Genachowski is for the measure, and the other four appear to be split 2-2 even before reading the proposed document. What is Net Neutrality? Net Neutrality in its basic form demands no restrictions: on content, sites, or platforms, or kinds of equipment that may be attached, or on the modes of communication allowed

    Dec 01,
  • It was October 1995 when Jim Dille handed me a $10 bill to sign up for Internet service as our first customer. From 28.8k to 56k to broadband, the ride this industry and community have provided has been fun even with all the bumps along the way. As I bow my head to the LORD, I will be giving Thanks for the past 15 years and the next fifteen. May God bless you and your family. Brian

    Nov 25,

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