• PALM BEACH, FL — Robert J. Whelan, a financial services professional in Poplar Bluff recently attended the Elite Retreat conference hosted their broker/dealer, HD Vest Investment ServicesSM. HD Vest is a leading independent broker/dealer, empowering holistic tax and wealth management-based financial advice through a network of independent Advisors across the country. As a top Advisor, Robert Whelan qualified to attend the conference in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida with over 200 Advisors, November 4-7. HD Vest Elite Retreat is a networking and learning event for premium Advisors focused on peer-to-peer idea sharing. Attendees participated in interactive share shops, heard informative sessions led by the HD Vest executive leadership team and keynote speakers. The goal of Elite Retreat is to explore ways to create

    Nov 17,
  • Gov. Nixon presents agricultural achievement award to Bill and Denise Bader of Bader Peaches   CAMPBELL, Mo. – Gov. Jay Nixon was in Dunklin County today to recognize Bill and Denise Bader and their business, Bader Peaches, with the Governor’s Award for Agricultural Achievement, which honors outstanding farmers, growers and processors for their work with agricultural commodities and their communities.   “Agriculture has always been, and will always be, the heart of Missouri’s economy, and produce farmers such as Bill and Denise Bader are a big part of the reason why,” Gov. Nixon said. “Missouri farmers not only feed the world, they create jobs, support their communities and our economy. The farmers, ranchers and producers of Missouri are moving our

    Nov 14,
  • Gov. Nixon visits Kennett High School to meet with students, recognize innovative program used by the school to keep at-risk students in school  KENNETT – Gov. Jay Nixon today visited Kennett High School to meet with students, teachers and staff and to discuss the school’s successful implementation of the Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) program, which is designed to keep at-risk students in school to earn their degrees. The Governor, who was named as a member of JAG’s national board of directors this summer, held a roundtable with students participating in the program before speaking to a student assembly at the school. “Earning a high school degree is the first step toward getting a higher education or on-the-job training necessary to advance in a good

    Nov 14,
  • Governor will first travel to Kennett High School to recognize success of program to keep at-risk students in school, then go to Bader Peaches near Campbell to present owners Bill and Denise Bader with Department of Agriculture award Gov. Jay Nixon will make two stops in Dunklin County on Thursday (Nov. 13). He will first go to Kennett High School to meet with students, teachers and staff and to recognize the school’s Jobs for America’s Graduates program, which helps at-risk students stay in school to earn their degrees and move into the workforce or on to higher education. The Governor will hold a roundtable with JAG students before speaking at a school assembly. The Governor then will go to Bader Peaches, near Campbell, to

    Nov 12,
  • Breaking Defense SYDNEY J. FREEDBERG JR. November 10, 2014 WASHINGTON: Every election sets off a round of musical chairs on Capitol Hill. This year’s GOP sweep will shake up the Senate in particular, and there’s one plausible scenario that should make the Pentagon and contractors especially nervous, because it would put two champion attack dogs of oversight at the helm of the Senate Armed Services Committee: John McCain and Claire McCaskill. My colleague Colin Clark has already written about McCain’s now-nigh-certain return to the SASC chairmanship, but the mention of McCaskill threw me. Several sources, though, say it’s pretty plausible. I first heard the scenario Friday during a panel discussion hosted by the Professional Services Council (PSC), a government contractors’

    Nov 12,

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