With the word dirigible one typically thinks of the Hindenburg or maybe even Snoopy on the MetLife Blimp floating over a football game. But one company is launching a new vehicle: AerosCraft's rigid-variable-buoyancy airship. The company plans on flight-testing the in the next 60-days what the CEO claims is the future of air travel. Honestly, the allure of a Land Cruise to see Iron Horse & Mount Rushmore, down the Rocky Mountains and the into the Grand Canyon. Or how about a trip across the frozen lands of Alaska, viewing the majestic wildlife and terrain. What a great vacation that would be. Below is a video of the dirigible demonstrating its hover abilities. I'm looking forward to the flight-test video in the coming months.
- Jan 07,
For those wondering about whether the recent congressional negotiated tax changes, CNNMoney Report has a great article. For example, everyone will have less take-home pay since payroll taxes are going up 2% (from 4.2% to 6.2%). Read More
Jan 02,I bought many great products before Christmas on NoMoreRack.com and saved a ton of money. Great HTC InEar headphones for only $8. Motorola Bluetooth Headset for $12. And shipping is only $2 per item. It's amazing. From linens to electronics, clothing to toys, NoMoreRack.com. Sign up by clicking this link and get a $10 Gift Card to boot! Check it out...similar to Overstock.com, but from what I can tell even better deals. NoMoreRack.com
Dec 31,The finds, dated to the early monarchic period and including pottery figurines of men and horses, provide rare testimony of a ritual cult in the Jerusalem region at the beginning of the period of the monarchy. Read More
Dec 31,For those "Doctor Who" lovers...this will blow your mind. A non-Who lover, it's still worthy of a viewing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=dUBxHd3bMhg For information about the project, check out the Designer's page.
Dec 26,