From the start, our paper has tried to adhere to the Associated Press style when writing. It is the standard among newspapers and each of our reporters was provided the 2013 edition of The Associated Press Stylebook. Toni and I often refer to that book while editing. In our short publication history, I've received my share of punctuation and capitalization challenges similar to the one posed last week. A reader from Florida who picked up the SEMO TIMES while visiting asked, “Why did you put quotes around Gone Girl in your Oct 16 edition when it should have been italicized?” I informed the questioner that according to AP, movie titles are in quotes and book titles are italicized. Here the
- Oct 31,
Walmart & Harps Tie For Best Prices - Krogers Most Expensive POPLAR BLUFF – While talking with a friend about the new Harps in Poplar Bluff (on Shelby Road), they said, “Harps is really nice, but it’s more expensive.” SEMO TIMES felt it would be an interesting task to see how grocery shopping in Poplar Bluff compared among stores. When we mentioned grocery stores to Poplar Bluffians, the list was usually Walmart, Kroger and Harps. So those were the stores we focused on. Yes, there are other places to buy groceries but on the budget we had for the story the limit was set at three. If this story is popular, we might also do a comparison of ALDI, PriceSaver
Oct 18,Nothing announces the arrival of autumn like a cheery orange pumpkin. And there is nothing like taking your children out into a pumpkin field and letting them pick out their own. For couples, there is nothing more romantic than cuddling together on a chilly evening beneath a starry sky on a hay wagon. This area is blessed with several pumpkin fields perfect for making a holiday out of any day of the week. One of the most popular is Pumpkin Hollow near Piggott, Ark. Darrell and Ellen Dalton have been farming there since 1969. They turned it into “Pumpkin Hollow” in 1993. This year Pumpkin Hollow has been included in USA Today’s list of “Country’s Coolest Pumpkin Patches” published October
Oct 16,Check out SEMO TIMES new car! Well, not until late 2015, that is. I’ve been watching Elio Motors ( for six months now and decided that this would be a great car for parades, delivery runs and even if a reporter has to go somewhere for a story. The three-wheeled car gets 84 miles to the gallon and is expected to have a 5-star crash test rating. The vehicle is currently classified as a “motorcycle” in Missouri and, therefore, will require a helmet but no seatbelt. But, Elio Motors is working with legislatures across the states to change the classification of the auto-cycle to a car. The Elio holds two people and even has a trunk. With the back seat
Oct 10,Poplar Bluff High School juniors and seniors were recently given the opportunity to participate in Preview Days during which students took a tour of Three Rivers College, received academic program overviews as well as information on federal aid. The PBHS counseling department—comprised of Susan Brown, Tamara Day, Tina Wilkins and Regina Williams—accompanied the students. In partnership with the community college, the counselors plan to host the visit annually.
Oct 10,