It’s a busy summer for Maggie Thorn, and I think it is fair to say she is at a major crossroads in her life. She’s ready to go “all-in” for her country music career. Area residents will have the chance to see that first hand Friday at Crabb & Company at Lake Wappapello as she kicks off the holiday weekend with a performance there, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. “I just got back from a tour of Europe as part of my studies,” explained Thorn. “It was really exciting. We were there for 21 days and had the chance to tour Italy, Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic. I was in a group of 20 other Belmont students, and we learned
- Jul 02,
One of my favorite hunting seasons is about to begin. When the squirrels begin to feed on hickory nuts and acorns, I love to go and bag a few for the frying pan. With my legs like they are from years of hunting, I do not walk too much as it is too easy for me to go down and a lot harder to get up. There have been a lot of stories that I have heard and participated in regarding squirrel hunting. Probably the best one was from Missouri Conservation Commission Agent Chet Barnes. He was one of the best and most fair game wardens (now they prefer to be known as Conservation Commission agents) that I have ever
Jun 20,Firework stands have been popping up like mushrooms after a summer rain. My children eagerly await the firecrackers, bottle rockets, sparklers, and everything else explosive that is to be had this time of year. The Fourth of July is a wonderful time of year, with many gardens just starting to issue forth their bounties. What’s more American than corn on the cob and a cold watermelon at your picnics and barbeques? Watermelons are available, none from my garden as yet. The spring weather played havoc with my plants and I don’t expect any before August. My tomatoes are setting and I can’t wait for the first ones to ripen. I am a self-confessed tomato snob, and I refuse to buy
Jun 20,"Wisdom From the Woods" this time I can only give warnings that it is time to be on the lookout for ticks and snakes. In our neck of the woods we have plenty of copperhead snakes. In our 35 year residence here we have confronted only one water moccasin and one cottonmouth that showed up in a real rainy summer. This summer there have already been copperheads run over by cars and trucks on the highway and a few confrontations by gardeners and squirrel hunters. It is vacation time and most people have their plans made for the summer. We would like to take a trip to Pennsylvania to visit some friends that we haven't seen in a long time.
Jun 19,Brian White is one of those guys who just likes creating things. He also really enjoys bringing people together. And he enjoys nice restaurants. So he decided to combine all those loves into one project: a new restaurant that would be different than anything Poplar Bluff has ever known. That is what Frontier is all about. It really is a new frontier for Poplar Bluff. The restaurant represents a new birth for downtown Poplar Bluff, and is located at 506 Vine Street, next to Black River Art Gallery. And as Brian White and his partner in this venture, Daniel Kingree, explain, this is a project that was meant to be. “It has just been amazing the way it has all
Jun 11,