I've known for several years that the DAR was on the City's side regarding my case against the City. It's been easy to see how the reporting and headlines seemingly favor the City. Last summer, the city filed three motions and the judge denied them all. We walked out of the court very thrilled with our progress. The next day the headline read: Judge Denies Two Motions Becker and City Case You had to flip to the fourth paragraph before you got to the point that it was the City who got their motions denied. Back when we first filed against the City, it took 5 days for our story to be newsworthy. But two days later, how did we
- Feb 10,
I'm thrilled to announce that we just received word from the Missouri Ethics Commission that the two complaints filed against me have been dismissed. This is definitely a big weight off my family's shoulders. Let me disclaim this next section as the Point of View of Brian Becker...just so we are clear: Both complaints were filed by Doug Bagby and investigated by the City's Police Department issuing search warrants and subpoenas to multiple companies in Poplar Bluff, compiling their evidence for the complaint. The complaints alleged that I was responsible for printing the flyers. Approximately 20 of us distributed the flyers around Poplar Bluff the weekend before the election. Bagby wrongfully alleged that my billboards didn't carry the proper disclaimer
Feb 05,UPDATE: Jason Smith from Salem won the Republican Nomination. Toni and I had the pleasure of being youth ministers at First United Methodist Church when Todd and his buddies were in high school. It's great to see youth grow up and become the leaders of today. With JoAnn Emerson stepping down, the race for a successor has been quick since the run-off election is scheduled for June. The list in both main parties continues to narrow and Todd's name continues to be near the top of the Republican's. This video was produced and sent to all those who will make the selection: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTo9u4ocUKQ We wish Todd, Amber and Sawyer the best of luck in receiving the nomination for the 8th
Feb 04,"Poplar Bluff Internet vs City of Poplar Bluff" regarding Open Access and the resulting disputed bills: We are thrilled to announce that the Judge ruled today that we can file our response to motions that we attempted to have filed back in November. The judge has awarded us 10 days to post our motion and then I would assume that we'd have a hearing a few weeks following. The judge also ruled that we must pay the City's expenses incurred because of the hearing back in November when no lawyer appeared for Poplar Bluff Internet.
Jan 23,There is a very funny NFL "bad lip reading" video going around the Internet right now which lead me to watch a "Hunger Games - Bad Lip Reading" video. Embarrassingly I spewed coffee out of my mouth onto my laptop because of my uncontrolled urge to laugh. So I decided to find a video from the "Bad Lip Reading" people which could be posted on our home page. I hope you can sit back and laugh at our Presidential Candidates along with Jim Lehrer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlwilbVYvUg
Jan 18,