For those wondering about whether the recent congressional negotiated tax changes, CNNMoney Report has a great article. For example, everyone will have less take-home pay since payroll taxes are going up 2% (from 4.2% to 6.2%). Read More
- Jan 02,
It is exciting to announce that Angela Pearson, who grew up in Ward 1, has decided to run against incumbent Ron Hendrix in the upcoming City Council election in April 2013. Pearson will be a strong candidate for the issues facing Ward 1 and Poplar Bluff in general. From her Facebook page: Angela spent several years of her youth living in South Poplar Bluff. She was raised in a household that grossed well below the living wage and grew up knowing the meaning of the word ‘poverty.’ Angela overcame her circumstances by earning her Bachelor’s of Arts in Psychology and a Minor in Art from the Missouri University of Science and Technology in Rolla. After graduation in 2005, she returned
Dec 16,ST. LOUIS, MO — On Nov. 18, the ACLU of Eastern Missouri filed a suit against the City of Poplar Bluff for an unconstitutional ordinance regarding the distribution of handbills without a permit and advance written consent of the operators of each vehicle. The ACLU is representing Brian Becker, who feared arrest after distributing handbills opposing a local $20 million bond initiative for sewer upgrades.
Nov 20,Short version: our two-and-a-half-year battle with the City was dismissed today by the courts. The longer version goes: that a couple of weeks ago, I found out that my lawyer had lost his license and would not have it reinstated prior to today's hearing. He helped me secure another lawyer and all was well until a few days ago when the new lawyer stopped communicating with me.
Nov 15,The question was posed on Facebook by Dennis Gebelhardt, Journeyman Lineman at Municipal Utilities, in this way: Mr Becker...If indeed your motivation wasn't one of personal Gain.. Here is your opportunity to explain. What exactly was your reason to campaign against this Bond Issue?. Remember the Rules are honesty and ethics. Here is my reply to Dennis: The ordinance to put this on the ballot was passed on Aug 20 and given to the County Clerk on August 21st which was the very last day to submit ballot info. One would think that a $20M Sewer Bond Ballot issue by City Council would make the front page, but no, it was buried on page 6 in the middle of an
Nov 09,