• Dear Friends, Associates, and Citizens of Poplar Bluff, I've tried every possible way to convince our city leaders and managers to come to a reasonable solution regarding Open Access over the past ten months. We have advised the City that we believe they are breaking a number of Missouri laws. Back in December, we began paying for Open Access using the City's dispute process, the city still has not scheduled our dispute hearing. On several occasions we have been warned that the City will accelerate our termination from the network and Monday's council meeting Agenda is set to discuss a "revision" to the Open Access Policy. I can only assume that is their intent. Every attempt of ours has failed.

    Mar 18,
    - by semoadmin
  • FCC Chief Genachowski gave a speech today stating that he will push for a vote on "Preserving Internet Freedom & Openness" with the five Commissioners on December 21st. It's a given that Genachowski is for the measure, and the other four appear to be split 2-2 even before reading the proposed document. What is Net Neutrality? Net Neutrality in its basic form demands no restrictions: on content, sites, or platforms, or kinds of equipment that may be attached, or on the modes of communication allowed

    Dec 01,
  • The 2010 General Elections are upon us. If you are a registered voter, be sure to get out and cast your vote. If you are not current on all the ballot measures for Missouri, you can find them here. Also, the daily weblog Lifehacker has put together an  informative article on finding more information on the candidates and ballot measures. Note: The Project Vote Smart website referenced in the Lifehacker article appears to be running extremely slow at the current time.

    Nov 01,
    - by semoadmin
  • The month of November is upon us, and with it comes the 2010 elections. Several intriguing races have come to light in recent weeks, not the least of which is the 8th Congressional District race. This Wednesday evening candidates Joann Emerson (incumbent Rep.), Tommy Sowers (Dem.), Rick Vandeven (Lib.) and Larry Bill (Ind.) will face off in a congressional debate. This event is sure to be exciting for anyone following the race, and educational for any voter who would like to discover more about these candidates and their respective platforms. I encourage everyone to attend the debate, which will be held this Wednesday, October 13th at 7:00 PM at the Tinnin Fine Arts Center on the Three Rivers Community College

    Oct 11,
    - by semoadmin

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