• [Update: As of late Saturday, the Missouri Dept of Health and Senior Services released that the two probable cases are from Howard County.] I've been trying to help our online community by providing Swine Flu information for Missouri as it becomes available. However, it has been frustrating to say the least because the Missouri state agencies responsible for releasing the information won't be specific. It took scouring several posts to find that the first probable case was near Kansas City. Yesterday, the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services announced that two more probable cases were discovered in "Central Missouri" (a 50,000 square mile target) but no specific counties or cities have been named. The official reason for not releasing

    May 02,
  • CNN Reported today: The sport of polo needs new oversight to protect its prized horses, the nation's largest animal protection organization said after reports that a pharmacy's mistake with medication may have killed 21 animals. "This tragedy has brought to light the absence of drug policies and regulation within the sport of polo," said Keith Dane, director of equine protection for the Humane Society of the United States. This is the precise reason that our country gets in trouble.

    Apr 24,
  • I was watching the television on November 3rd as Ted Stevens flew home to cast his vote and thought, "You arrogant, man. Withdraw from the race! Have some dignity!" Now a Federal Judge has set aside his conviction and started a new investigation of the prosecutors. [read more] This man, a 40-year Alaskan veteran of the senate, apparently lost his U.S. Senate seat because of the allegations and now we find out the evidence was withheld and even fabricated. It is difficult to imagine that the 4000 vote margin of loss was not the result of the conviction coupled with media outcry. An outcry which included the Republican Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates (who was also Steven's Governor) making public statements

    Apr 08,
  • Today Australia's Government announced its intent to create a private/public company to build a 100mb/s Ethernet service to 90% of the homes in the country. The new network, with the government owning at least a 51 percent stake, will bring a fiber-to-the-home network with Open Access rules similar to what Poplar Bluff's City Cable did with Internet access in 2005. [read more]

    Apr 07,
  • I've never done this before, but today I called my senators and representative of the U.S. Congress. I've been reading about this "stimulus bill" and I don't like it. Two weeks ago I saw the mayor of Virginia Beach on the television and he was trying to get part of the stimulus package for his town. He said that for $3.4 million he could employ 11 new employees to repaint their water treatment plant. WHAT? $308,000 is the going rate for a painter these days? Give me $3.4 million dollars and I can employ 50 new people and bring broadband internet to all the places in Southeast Missouri that don't have it.

    Feb 12,

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