• One great idea can take on a life of its own, which is exactly what has happened to former President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s idea of bringing ordinary citizens from all over the globe together to communicate face to face, in an effort to solve differences and discover ways to live peacefully together on the planet. The People to People Ambassador Program was launched in 1956, setting in motion a vehicle wherein his mission of global citizenship did flourish.

    Nov 04,
  • RESPONSE: If you judge by response, Toni Becker's article "Spin vs. Record" has provoked our readers more than anything we've seen. We've received three times the responses than any other article posted on semo.net's home page (raffle's and giveaways excluded). Both sides (equally) have weighed in with their kudos & kudon'ts. REBUTTAL: Every individual who disagreed with the post was offered a chance to post a rebuttal. Only one person has responded to that offer:

    Nov 02,
  • We can talk about what the big four are wearing today or about Joe the plumber, but how does that help anyone make an intelligent choice for President of the United States on November 4th? At some point what needs to be understood is how the Democrat and Republican candidates see the country heading into the future, so an educated choice can be made. Voting for John McCain simply because he was a prisoner of war is as shallow as someone voting for Barack Obama simply because he’s black. It can’t be completely about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. It can’t be completely about the mess our economy is in. We need to think deeper than that on election

    Oct 29,
  • I watched the Late Show with David Letterman last month on the night that McCain canceled to "go back to Washington to fix the economic mess." Letterman crucified the candidate and his decision that night and it was hilarious. During the days and weeks following that decision, Letterman kept the story alive. McCain was definitely on Dave's S-List...so to say I was curious how McCain was going to handle his "makeup date" with David Letterman last night is to put it lightly.

    Oct 17,
  • Saturday Night Live's opening scene Saturday night was a VP Debate spoof. It's funny and I laughed from beginning to end. I should probably disclose, though I can't imagine it is a secret, that I'm a Christian who has very conservative Republican views and, of course, view life through that lens. I woke up this [Saturday] morning and instantly pulled up the SNL web site to watch Tina Fey and crew poke fun at Sarah Palin and, ultimately, me. Why? Because it is funny! Because it's a spoof. The first spoof two weeks ago with Hilary Clinton was hilarious. The Couric-Interview Spoof was equally funny. Honestly, if it is funny (and not crude), then I can definitely laugh and enjoy it. I

    Oct 05,

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