• The City's 2012 audited financial statements were finally approved earlier this month which allows us to look at how City Cable performed in 2012 without the "subsidizing" of Open Access. The financials show that the city would have made $317,756 more over the past two years had they not closed down Open Access to the citizen owned network. City Cable has lost money four of the last five years. But that really isn't a bad thing. After all, the city loses money on our street department. If run efficiently, I would never oppose the city losing money on (ie, investing in) our telecommunications infrastructure. But let's look at the numbers for City Cable department: 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total

    Aug 28,
  • The following is the opinion of Brian Becker and does not necessarily reflect the views of SEMO.net or Bluff Technologies, Inc. Dear Mr. Schrieber,In the past two months, you and your Daily American Republic newspaper have, seemingly maliciously, slandered me and my family name on three separate occasions.In the June 14, 2013, edition of the DAR the headline read "JUDGE: BECKER MUST PAY". Other statements within that article, like those below, are at the very least slanderous and reputation-damaging: All of these statements are fabricated and false. They are damaging to me, my reputation and my family. I, Brian Becker, owe the City of Poplar Bluff $0, nada, nothing. And no judgment has been made against me. In the August 7,

    Aug 21,
  • ANGELA PEARSON IS A SERIOUS G.O.B. STOPPER!!!! Over the weekend and into Monday, Councilwoman Angela Pearson hit the City Manager and several local businessmen hard, with requests for investigations going to the Highway Patrol, FBI, and the Security and Exchange Commission. KFVS ran a report at the 6pm and 10pm news on Monday night as well. But one of the things that caught my eye in all of this is that Pearson reported that Poplar Bluff's City Clerk did not freely give the requested information to her. QUOTES FROM "ANGELA PEARSON, PB CITY COUNCIL" FACEBOOK POST When I requested this information, I met some of the most ridiculous animosity from the City Clerk and the City Manager. They wanted to

    Aug 20,
  • First of all, contrary to what the DAR reported, there was no warrant and "Becker's Assets" are not being seized. In my opinion, the paper's slanderous headline of "BECKER's ASSETS" is seriously appalling. Friends and family have been contacting us to make sure we are okay. I really cannot believe that the DAR would make such a terrible statement directed at me personally. In June, the newspaper also made this about me, personally, and not the company. Isn't this covered in Journalism 101? As for the photo on the front page of the newspaper, I have it on good authority that the City Attorney has NEVER before asked to go out with the Sheriff's department to deliver papers until today.

    Aug 07,
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