• The question was posed on Facebook by Dennis Gebelhardt, Journeyman Lineman at Municipal Utilities, in this way: Mr Becker...If indeed your motivation wasn't one of personal Gain.. Here is your opportunity to explain. What exactly was your reason to campaign against this Bond Issue?. Remember the Rules are honesty and ethics. Here is my reply to Dennis: The ordinance to put this on the ballot was passed on Aug 20 and given to the County Clerk on August 21st which was the very last day to submit ballot info. One would think that a $20M Sewer Bond Ballot issue by City Council would make the front page, but no, it was buried on page 6 in the middle of an

    Nov 09,
  • Okay, first the second part of my headline: These past two years have taken a toll on my family and, yet, they are still standing firmly beside me in all of this. However, the past five days and the inflammatory storytelling in the DAR and the threat of being arrested on election day have taken a huge chunk out of all our courage. Don't worry they are still standing strong with me, but please pray for us. For those who haven't read the SEMO Times, they released an online story last night which helps to balance the DARs pro-city reporting: This Is The Reason They Call Poplar Bluff Little Chicago.

    Nov 09,
  • I posted my response to Mr. Bagby's editorial today and got this in my email shortly after: ==========DOUG BAGBY EMAILED ME TODAY=========== ==========END OF EMAIL========================== I'm not sure what to say...Mr Bagby. If an issue is an "easy measure to defeat," should you actually spend money on an election or buy expensive ads in the DAR to support it?

    Nov 05,
  • I read Mr. Bagby's editorial in the DAR today and for the second time this year he's broken our city's ordinance which prohibits the City Manager from being involved in political issues. It's that above-the-law arrogance he routinely displays which is at the core of this sewer tax. Last time he did this was when his puppet councilman was losing this spring, Doug wrote an editorial endorsing Edington only to have the citizens of Fourth Ward slap his hand and put Brannum in power. Now, the arrogance of our City Manager tells you that your vote doesn't even matter. Bagby says he's going to spend the money no matter what you vote. He says he's going to raise your sewer

    Nov 05,
  • The DAR, the (un) official political mouthpiece for the City of Poplar Bluff, ran a series of incorrect and subjective information to SCARE THE PUBLIC today regarding the Sewer Tax which is on the ballot November 6 (spoiler alert: you should vote no). Isn't that the job of a newspaper? Print what the government tells them. NOT IN AMERICA, MR SCHRIEBER! Unless, of course, you are a state-run-media. Is that what you are Mr. Schreiber? State-run? Your reporter was well-aware that there was opposition to this Sewer Tax and could have easily asked for a quote — but that wouldn't suit your propaganda piece. How about doing some actual research and come to conclusions that DON'T fall from the mouth

    Nov 01,

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