These days, people store themselves on their hard drives: Photos, music library, financial & tax info, address book, etc. - essentially, it's your digital life. And as valuable as your digital life is, more and more people are losing their digital life and digital memories. I cannot emphasize how painful it is to watch someone realize their last five years' worth of family photos no longer exists.
- Feb 15,
This past week, Microsoft announced that David Porter will head up their Retail Chain. Porter has spent the past two years with Dreamworks and 25 years before that with WalMart. Unfortunately, here in Southeast Missouri, Microsoft will probably not be on a corner near us any time soon (or ever for that matter). But just like Apple users who trek to St Louis every few months for an IV injection of all things Apple, I'm sure a Microsoft store in St Louis would drain a few local gas tanks. Confession: Even though my wife's iPod is our only apple product, I cannot walk past an Apple store. The Apple logo in a like a giant bug light—drawing the geek in
Feb 14,One of the biggest problems with providing Internet access to business customers is: ALL types of internet services fail at some time. Whether its a T1, wireless, cable internet, or DSL, no one platform is perfect. We here at have been working on a new service that reduces downtime and increases bandwidth for business customers.
Jan 22,Have you ever wondered if your business is doing all it can to utilize computers and technology to its fullest potential? Technology changes that affect the way business is performed is changing constantly, and the Greater Poplar Bluff Area Chamber of Commerce has teamed up with our local technology experts to offer Chamber members an opportunity to learn how technology can help their business operate more effectively and efficiently. This panel will be available to discuss a wide variety of topics including: web site design & ecommerce options; wired & wireless networking; Voice Over IP (VOIP) benefits and pitfalls; connecting home offices to your office network; and computer sales, service and maintenance. This event is being organized by our Chamber’s
Jan 07,FCC and White Space Devices Two articles for more information. Thinking Alpha Wikipedia (more technical) Advent in your Home For the past three years, our family has enjoyed our Sunday evening family Advent service. This year, Toni and I are sharing our Advent service so you can enjoy Advent at home too.
Dec 03,