• from: http://www.muninetworks.org/content/business-interest-cortez-muni-network-exceeds-expectations Business Interest in Cortez Muni Network Exceeds Expectations Wed, June 29, 2011 Last month, we were excited to write about the open access network in Cortez, Colorado. We can update the story with information from this article: [B]usiness participation on Cortez's own municipal fiber-optic network has exceeded expectations - with 76 drops purchased to connect 98 Cortez businesses to the network. Rick Smith, director of the city's General Services Department, said crews are working to get the drops connected and to extend conduit to the west side of Broadway Street.

    Jun 29,
  • From the OpenAccessPettion.org website: We need YOU to come to the City Council meeting on Tuesday, July 5 at 7pm. We need City Council to understand this issue won't just go away. City Council meets at the City Hall (on Oak Street behind the Library) in the Council Chambers. Tell us on facebookyou are coming: Need a ride? We can help, call 573.840-0525. Want to Volunteer? We need help, call 573.738-0055 What Else Can You Do: - Post on facebook & tweet that you are coming to the meeting and invite other locals to do so - Call friends and ask them to join you at the council meeting - Are you part of a group? Contact them and ask

    Jun 27,
  • I know many have wondered what is going on at semo.net and what changes we've made to stay in business. The reality is that our customers on city cable network made up 26% of our monthly revenue here at semo.net. Making the numbers work with this kind of over-night loss has been accomplished through this great staff. It's been hard, but it is not impossible. Here's an update:

    May 18,
  • Here's the form: https://www.consumer.ago.mo.gov/ Many have asked us if there is anything they can do about the current situation of having to use City Cable. The only real place to file a complaint is on the AGO's Consumer Complaint department. I pay for Cable Internet service on the north side of town and City Cable is the only broadband service available; so I filed a complaint on the form.

    May 16,
  • Dear Cable Internet customers, Amazing how I'm now being blamed for this Monday deadline. I know many (or maybe most) of you have been told by the clerks at MyCityCable that somehow I'm responsible for all of this so I'd like to at least attempt to set the record straight. I met with Michael Pry & David Presley on Tuesday, April 5th, and confirmed that if we lost our injunction we could provide them an electronic list of all customers within days of the judgment being rendered to transfer over. David Presley took me into Mr. Bach's office, who agreed to the same. We all agreed that the customer should not suffer because of our differences or the lawsuit.

    May 05,

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